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Our PTA provides many valued services for our students, staff, and members such as school programs, service projects, teacher/staff appreciation, school wish list items, educational supplies, fun community events and much more!  We are committed to improving the lives of your children and advocate through programs that address education, health, and social concerns.  


With your membership and help we can strengthen the home-school connection - uniting parents, teachers, and the faculty. 


The Best Value and Offers the Most Support: The Family Membership - 2 parents = $15.00

Single Membership - 1 parent = $10.00

Faculty Membership = $8.50





1. Your child benefits- Becoming involved with your child's school, getting to know the teachers and the Principal, helps your child do better in school. It will become much easier to communicate with the staff should a concern (or victory!) arise throughout the year.


2. You'll be in the know- PTA members are always the first parents to know what's going on. PTA plans most of the events at DWE so we know who, what, when, and where.


3. You'll build your network- Joining PTA is a great opportunity to meet teachers as well as other parents with school-aged children. Many friendships are formed in PTA.

4. You'll be part of the solution- By joining PTA you are committing to positive change! DWE PTA funds many school programs, campus improvements, and social events throughout the year and your PTA membership fee helps to cover those costs.


5. Your voice will be heard- PTA is a great way for you to voice your ideas, concerns, and effect change at DWE.


6. You can share your skills- Do you have a hobby, talent, or career that you can share with us? Enjoy reading? Enjoy drawing or painting? Sewing? Exercising? We always need volunteers to share their talents with DWE.


7. You can show that you care- DWE PTA works hard to show our teachers, staff, and community support and appreciation. By joining PTA you are showing you care by helping us provide the funds for special events, supplies and gifts for our teachers and staff as well as providing supplies for service projects within our community. 


If I join, do I have to?

  • Go to meetings?
    No. You are welcome to attend our general meetings though!

  • Volunteer or spend time at school?
    Nope! Joining the PTA is not the same thing as volunteering. If you choose to volunteer we would LOVE the help—but volunteering is not required.